So, I gave you some time off last week from having to think too hard 🙂 But, I am coming back at you with a vengeance today. This week we are finishing up your favorite topic – good ol’ goal setting. So, grab your nutrition goals that you have been working on so diligently and let’s get to work! 


To clarify once again these are the five key steps to goal setting to ensure your success. If you are coming in late to the game and want to revisit the first two steps of nutrition goal setting click here to read Part 1 of How to Crush your Nutrition Goals and click here to read Part 2 of How to Crush your Nutrition Goals.  





Consequently, this week we are tackling # 3: Create an effective monitoring tool,  # 4: Execute your goals like the champ you are and # 5: Assess your goals at regular intervals. 



#3 – Create an effective monitoring tool


So, you let’s recap. In short, so far we have helped you clearly define your S.M.A.R.T nutrition goals. Next we helped you set a realistic game plan. However, now you need an effective tool to monitor these goals.


You have heard the saying, “What gets measured, gets managed.” Well my friends, this certainly applies to setting nutrition goals. Pick a ‘tool’ – any ‘tool’ to manage your goals.






Below are examples of tools to help monitor and track your progress towards your nutrition goals. Please note depending upon what your personal nutrition or exercise goal is not all these tools may be applicable. I provide them just to demonstrate the various ways in which you can track your success.


  • A FREE tracking app like ‘My Fitness Pal, Lose It or Sparkpeople
  • An exercise journal
  • A food journal
  • Physical body assessments like body fat percentages as well as waist, hip, bust and bicep measurements
  • A real, live person to report your successes to weekly (like an accountability buddy!)
  • An exercise tracking device like an iwatch or fitbit
  • Before and after pictures
  • Lab values
  • Performance markers like amount of weight lifted, time trials, Vo2Max, ect.


Notice many of them are by no means fancy. But all of them get the job done. However, keep in mind the best monitoring tool is the one you are likely to consistently use.


I am old-school and use a good old fashion journal. For some reason I feel much more comfortable writing my goals down.




But you may find that boring and rather log your food or nutrition in an app. Whatever you choose – just stick with it!


#4 – Execute your goals like the champ you are


Just. Do. It. In order to be successful with your goals, you need to be 110 % committed to taking action. Talk is cheap.  And just like Benjamin Franklin once said “Well done is better than well said.”  I don’t think anyone can argue with that.


So, put on your blinders. Get comfortable being uncomfortable and just do it. Pull out your goals each every morning and every night. Focus on what is important NOW! Because I hate to be the bearer of bad news but If you don’t prioritize your goals and life for that matter – someone else will.  


#5 – Assess your goals at regular intervals


Remember your nutrition and exercise goals are not carved in stone. In other words, they should be dynamic and evolving in nature. Therefore, it is important to revisit them at regular intervals and make sure they are serving you. Here are some questions to ask yourself when assessing your goals:


  • Am I happy with my progress? Yes? No? Why?
  • What am I most proud of and why?
  • What do I need to be doing differently to ensure my continued success?
  • What are repeated barriers that are standing in my way to succeeding? How can I bullet-proof them?
  • How can I  high-five myself for a job well done?
  • What is the next behavior I want to tackle and why?


My new favorite quote is from the book You are a Badass by Jen Sincero. I think it pretty much sums up goal setting perfectly, “There is nothing as unstoppable as a freight train full of fuck-yeahs.”






In conclusion, hone your goal setting skills, take your health seriously, DO what you need to be successful, invest in yourself, practice your ass off, fail, fall down, but above all get right back up. Repeat 🙂



Hugs & High Fives,





P.S. Having a hard time getting back up? Heck we have all been there! Feel free to reach out to the dietitians at The Plano Program to set up a consult to help get you on track to where you want to be going.


P.P.S. Love yourself – you are capable of anything.

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