Amy’s Number One Resource for Meal Prep

SO if you know me at all – you know that I love to cook! Therefore, it is no surprise that one of my favorite websites is called The Kitchn. If you have not checked it out it is a fun website geared towards the home cook. They offer articles on everything from cool new gadgets to Whole-30 compliant recipes. It is a food dork’s black hole. Therefore, please be warned you can really get lost on the site 🙂 Most importantly, their latest and greatest resource? A weekly newsletter aimed at

healthy meal prep.

Sign. Me. Up.


In January of this year The Kitchn started offering a FREE Meal Prep Newsletter in which they send out a weekly email that features doable plans and helpful recipes so you can prep, cook, and eat for the week ahead. The best part – they think of the healthy recipes so you don’t have to.
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Free newsletter with healthy meal prep options? Sign me up!

Most importantly did I mention this newsletter is FREE – delivered straight to your inbox 🙂 If that is not a win – then I don’t know what is.


You Know YOU Wanna


Above all in my heart of hearts, I honestly feel like most people want to eat healthy. However, I also feel like most people don’t take the time to do the necessary things to set themselves up to succeed – like meal prep. Call it laziness. Call lack of focus. Call it whatever you want. Most people have solid nutrition goals – they just choose NOT to make them a priority.

meal prep

Photo credit: Wooden Earth Cutlery

A couple of weeks ago we talked about the importance of goal setting. We actually used the example of meal prep. If you need a little refresher on goal setting click here for the full details. Success means not only shopping for the right foods but also engaging in meal prep. Furthermore, I think this quote pretty much sums up successful meal prep.

 “Success is where preparation and opportunity meet.” — Bobby Unser

Therefore,  when you and your family are 50 shades of “hangry” there is awesome, tasty, healthy food available.


Just Do It


So I encourage you to sign up for this newsletter. I think it could be very helpful. A resource like this has the potential to provides SO many things – inspiration, focus, motivation and even a definitive answer for the age old question, “What’s for dinner?”  And after all, who does not want to learn how to cook fast, shop smart, and eat well? I know this chick does!

Need Additional Inspiration?


Sorry there is no other way to put it. I am a Pinterest whore. I simply ♥ Pinterest.

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Sometimes I just want to look at pretty food. Is that too much to ask?


So if you need a little ‘pick me up’ or a bit of inspiration follow my modest Meal Prep Pinterest board.  Also if you are just looking for suggestions for dinner please follow my main pinterest board with all sorts of healthy dinner options! I have over 2000 healthy recipes Amy Plano approved 🙂 Get your eat on!

Hugs & High Fives,


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